Proposed parking changes for Duluth include removing minimum parking space requirements for new developments

The City of Duluth is proposing future changes to off-street parking requirements contained in the zoning regulations, Chapter 50 of the City of Duluth Legislative Code.

The changes would provide greater flexibility in parking requirements, allowing a market-driven approach to off-street parking constructed as part of new developments in Duluth.

“This will create a greater avenue for the private market to be able to react to what they anticipate the parking demand to be, and we hope this provides for a greater level of re-investment in the community,” shared Adam Fulton, deputy director of planning and economic development.

Among the changes proposed are elimination of off-street parking minimums, the ability to create temporary overflow parking areas, and the addition of bicycle parking and EV charging station requirements.

There are NOT changes proposed for the current rental property and parking regulations.


There is Planning Commission meeting on Tuesday at 5pm at Duluth City Hall in the City Council Chambers. There will be an opportunity to weigh in.