Self declaration character certificate

Other Services

Labour Resources Department

Beedi and Cigar Workers Act

Building and other Construction Workers Act

Contract Labour Act

Inter State Migrant Workers Act

Motor Transport Workers Act

Shops and Establishments Act

Trade Union Act

Verify Certificates generated before 25/04/2017

* For query reply and additional payment use URL

Tourism Department

Environment, Forest & Climate Change Department

Single Window Clearance System (SWCS)

Health Department

External Services

Transport Department

Temporary registration of vehicles Registration of new private vehicles / transport vehicles Issuance of second copy of Registration Renewal of Registration Certificate Cancellation of vehicles’ Registration Issuance/ renewal of Trade Certificate Issuance of Tax Token Surrender of vehicles Issuance/ renewal of Petrol Pump License Issuance/ renewal of Fitness Certificate of transport vehicles Verification Report of vehicles surrendered / met accident Issuance of second copy of Fitness Certificate Forwarding of application related to Tax Rebate / Refund Online application for Addition / Deletion of Hire Purchase Entry Online application for Conversion of Vehicle from Private to Commercial or Commercial to Private Online application for Issuance of NOC for vehicle Online application for Issuance of Certificates – Police Online application for Registration Certificate Particular Online application for Transfer of Ownership of vehicle Online Cancellation of Hypothecation Online Change of Address Online complaint system for Missing / Lost Documents / Articles Online Issuance of Monthly Bus Pass Issuance of Learner’s License Issuance / Renewal of different types of Driver’s License Issuance / Endorsement of second copy of Driver’s License Conversion of Driver’s License into Smart Card Issuance of International Driver’s License Driving School License Online Driving License Extract Issuance

Revenue & Land Reforms Department

Service Related Information

RTPS Services

General Administration Department

Other Services

Recognition and Renewal of Hotel

Recognition and Renewal of Tour Operators / Travel Agents

Application Submission for e-Services of Bihar

Joint initiative to provide government services within specified time in a transparent and convenient manner through e-Service online portal.

Visit Official's Portal for Application Processing.

Important Information

Applicants need not go to Public Service Centre (RTPS Counter) / Office. They can avail e-Services online.

Certificate / licence will be sent to applicant through (i) Download link in SMS, (ii) Attachment in Email, (iii) DigiLocker, (iv) SevicePlus Inbox, (v) Download Certificate link on Portal, (vi) Kiosk / CSC / Public Service Centre (RTPS Counter) etc.

Verification of certificate (Residence / Caste / Income / NCL (State) / NCL (Central) / EWS) done through portal is subject to final verification of the same by issuing authority.

Standard Operating Procedure

Please follow the Standard Operating Procedure

Recommended computer configuration for Public Service Centres: Processor - i3 or above, RAM - 4GB or above, OS - Windows 10 64-bit.

Recommended Network / Internet Speed: At least 2 Mbps dedicated for every user.

DNS entry in Public Service Centre computer on BSWAN network : Preferred DNS server - ; Alternate DNS server -

Use latest Internet Browser (Mozilla Firefox or Chrome) and allow "Pop-up blocker" for all sites. Clean History of the Browser before use.

Webcam and DSC drivers must be installed (Responsibility: Local IT Manager and IT Assistant).

DSC Registration in ServicePlus should be done as per Installation Manual provided on Portal (Responsibility: Local IT Manager and IT Assistant).

Open ServicePlus Application in only one Browser / Tab and Log-out immediately after use.

For auto conversion of Name (English) to नाम (हिंदी) in Application Form, press [Space] button after typing every words of Name in English. For example, type “Ashok [Space] Kumar [Space] Mehta [Space]” for its auto conversion to " अशोक कुमार मेहता ".

Use latest "Adobe Acrobat Reader" to read / print downloaded Acknowledgement / Certificate.

While doing Approval / Certificate Delivery, CO / EA should use filter on Verification (कर्मचारी का अनुमोदन). This will ensure issue of certificates for the applications verified by Karmchari.

DSC Dongle should be available for signing of Certificate. DSC signing should be done during off-peak hours also for faster disposal of applications and to clear the pendency.

Run Windows and Anti-virus updates in Client Computer when ServicePlus is not being used. Technical Support Protocol as mentioned on Portal should be followed.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to avail online RTPS Services ?

Citizens need not go to Public Service Centre. They can avail the services of RTPS Act online.

Click on the desired service of respective Service Provider Department under "RTPS Services" on left side of Homepage.

An Application Form will appear, fill it carefully, attach a scanned copy of passport-size photo (

You can also apply through Executive Assistant at respective Public Service Centre at Panchayat, Block cum Circle, Sub-division, Division, District, Department etc level.

How to avail online Services of Labour Resources Department ?

If you are already registered on SSDG Portal ( then "Reset" your password by clicking on the "Forgot Password". If you are a new user, "Register Yourself" first and create your Login-Id and Password. For this, a working Email-Id or Mobile No. will be required. Keep this Login-Id and Password safe for use of ServicePlus in future.

Click on the desired service of Labor Resources Department under "Other Services" on left side of Homepage and then login with your credentials - Email-Id and Password or Mobile No. and OTP.

A new page will appear, click on "Apply for Service".

An Application Form will appear, fill it carefully and then [Submit]. You can also save [Draft] for modification, if any, later on and finally [Submit].

View the filled information carefully. [Edit] any incorrect information and then [Submit]. Click on [Attach Annexure] to upload required document(s) and then [Submit].

If the service is paid, then the option of [Make Payment] will appear, click on it and pay the fee. If the service is unpaid, then just [Submit].

To make payment, you will be automatically transfered to OGRAS (Online Government Receipt Account System) from ServicePlus. On OGRAS, choose "period year" and select "ePayment" option in the "payment mode" and select the Bank from which you want to make payment. You can also make payment through Net Banking / Debit Card / Credit Card etc. Never select "Payment over the bank counter (Cash/Cheque)" option given under "Payment Mode". After payment, you can download / print Acknowledgement from OGRAS / Bank for future use. Now, you will automatically be transfered back to ServicePlus.

After issuance of Certificate / Sanction Letter, it will be sent to your ServicePlus Inbox and Email-Id. Download link will also be sent through SMS. You can get your Certificate / Sanction Letter from any of these 3 ways.

The status of the service will be sent to you through SMS and Email from time to time. For this you should provide valid Mobile No. and Email-Id while filling the Application Form.

You can also apply through Executive Assistant at respective Public Service Centre at Panchayat, Block cum Circle, Sub-division, Division, District, Department etc level.

How to avail Other Online Services ?

If you are a new user, "Register Yourself" first and create your Login-Id and Password. For this, a working Email-Id or Mobile No. will be required. Keep this Login-Id and Password safe for use of ServicePlus in future.

Click on the desired service under "Other Services" on left side of Homepage and then login with your credentials - Email-Id and Password or Mobile No. and OTP.

A new page will appear, click on "Apply for Service".

An Application Form will appear, fill it carefully and then [Submit]. You can also save [Draft] for modification, if any, later on and finally [Submit].

View the filled information carefully. [Edit] any incorrect information and then [Submit]. Click on [Attach Annexure] to upload required document(s) and then [Submit].

If the service is paid, then the option of [Make Payment] will appear, click on it and pay the fee. If the service is unpaid, then just [Submit].

Download / print Acknowledgment and keep it safe for future use.

The Certificate / License / Sanction Letter will be sent to your ServicePlus Inbox and / or Email-Id. Download link may also be sent through SMS. You can get your Certificate / Sanction Letter from any of these 3 ways.

The status of the service will be sent to you through SMS and Email from time to time. For this you should provide valid Mobile No. and Email-Id while filling the Application Form.

How to pay fee for online Services ?

Fee may apply for some services. The fee is paid by the applicant to Service Provider Department through OGRAS (Online Government Receipt Account System) Payment Gateway of the Finance Department, Govt. of Bihar.

Fill the online Application Form, attach the necessary document(s), and finally [Make Payment]. You will be automatically transfered to OGRAS from ServicePlus.

On OGRAS, choose "period year" and select "ePayment" option in the "payment mode" and select the Bank from which you want to make payment. You can also make payment through Net Banking / Debit Card / Credit Card etc. Never select "Payment over the bank counter (Cash/Cheque)" option given under "Payment Mode".

After payment, you can download / print Acknowledgement from OGRAS / Bank for future use. Now, you will automatically be transfered back to ServicePlus.

Never close or refresh or interrupt the browser during transition between ServicePlus and OGRAS and processing payment.

After successful payment, your application will be submitted on ServicePlus. Sometimes "Success" payment status gets delayed to reach ServicePlus and it remains in "Pending" status. If the payment is already debited from your bank account, please don't make payment again.

Please "Re-validate Payment" on ServicePlus to get "Success" payment status from OGRAS. You may get the message "Please try after some time". It means, ServicePlus is still getting "Pending" status from OGRAS. Please "Re-validate Payment" after some interval until the application submitted successfully.

Make re-payment only when the previous payment has become "Failure" and application moved to "Draft" section.

Payment is collected by OGRAS on behalf of the Service Provider Department. Payment once made cannot be claimed to refund from NIC or ServicePlus under any circumstances.

How to type in Hindi in Application Form ?

After typing "English Name" in the Application Form, press [tab] button to populate "हिंदी नाम " automatically.

How to get Technical Support ?

For technical support, please contact in the following order: -

Panchayat, Block cum Circle, Sub-Division, District, Division, and Department level Executive Assistant,

Block cum Circle and Sub-Division level IT Assistant through Executive Assistant, District IT Manager through IT Assistant, DIO / ADIO of NIC District Centre and Department IT Manager though District IT Manager, and ServicePlus Team of NIC Bihar through DIO / ADIO of NIC District Centre and Department IT Manager.

How to track my application status online ?

Click on the option "Citizen Section" -> "Track Application Status" available on Homepage. "Track Application Status" form will appear.

Select suitable options, enter Application Reference Number and Date, and then [Submit]. The status will be displayed.

Citizen Section

Report Section

Summary of e-Services
SN Department RTPS Services Other Services
Under Development Developed Operational Under Development Developed Operational
1 Labour Resource Dept. (LRD) 0 0 2 0 0 31
2 General Administration Dept. (GAD) 0 0 21 0 0 1
3 Social Welfare Dept. (SWD) 0 9 0 0 0 0
4 Health Dept. (HD) 0 0 0 6 0 0
5 Food & Consumer Protection (F & CPD) 3 0 0 0 0 0
6 Revenue & Land Reforms Dept. (R & LRD) 1 0 0 0 0 0
7 Industry Department (ID) 0 0 0 4 0 0
8 Planning & Development Department (PDD) 0 0 4 0 0 0
9 Home Department (HoD) 0 0 1 1 0 0
10 Tourism Deartment (TD) 0 0 0 4 0 0
11 Environment, Forest and Climate Change Dept. (EFCD) 0 0 0 1 0 0
Total 4 9 28 16 0 32
Grand total Onboard Departments e-Services Under Development e-Services Developed e-Services Operational
4 20 9 60

Self Support Section

Offline ServicePlus

The aim of Offline ServicePlus is to provide uninterrupted RTPS Services to the Citizen by speedy disposal of their Applications at Public Service Centre in remote areas where Internet Service is either slow or disrupted. Offline ServicePlus works in tandem with Online ServicePlus. Offline ServicePlus enables Executive Assistants of Public Service Centre to enter details of Citizen’s Applications in RTPS Services configured on ServicePlus in Offline mode and provide them Acknowledgement. Executive Assistants can sync the Applications data from Offline ServicePlus to Online ServicePlus whenever Internet is stable or from some other locations where Internet is working fine. The actions of officials like Verification Entry, Approval / Rejection of Applications and Issue of Certificates / Sanction Orders by DSC Sign are done on Online ServicePlus only. The data can then sync back to Offline ServicePlus also. Searching and delivery of Certificates / Sanction Orders can be done through either Offline ServicePlus or Online ServicePlus.

Please refer following for more details: -

Latest Enhancement

Application for Residence, Caste and Income Certificate Services at Circle/Block level of Applicant and his/her Family Members using Application Reference Number and Applicant Name of any of these Services already applied.

Application for Residence, Caste, Income, BC/EBC (NCL), OBC (NCL) and EWS Certificate Services at Sub-Division or District level can be done with Application Reference Number and Applicant Name of corresponding Circle/Block or Sub-Division level Service.

Applicant can apply for Online Services in following ways: - Without Login - by clicking on Department-wise Service Link.

After Login - by searching Service in Inbox: Menu => Apply for Services => View all available Services.

Through Executive Assistant at Public Service Centers - either Online or Offline. Through Kiosk. Through Common Service Centres. Applicant can get his/her Certificate from any of the following ways: - Email Attachment in Applicant's Email-Id. Download Link sent in SMS to Applicant’s Mobile Number. DigiLocker. “Track Application Status” link of the Portal. ServicePlus Inbox (if applied after Login). Public Service Centers (if applied at Public Service Center). Kiosk and Common Service Centers (CSC). Designated Officer can do bulk DSC sign up to 50 Certificates at a time. Search and Paging facility in Dispatch List of Executive Assistant

Usage Instructions

RTPS Services:- Application Submission by Applicant: -

Applicants are advised to don’t apply again and again for a new Certificate if previously issued Certificate is still valid. Instead, they should use the same Certificate again and again for different purposes.

Applicant (Citizen) can apply for RTPS Services in following modes - (i) Online (ii) through Public Service Centers (iii)Kiosk and (iv)Common Service Center.

Online Mode (Self): -

Applicants can apply online any-time through any-means (Desktop, Laptop, Tablet, Smartphone etc having Internet connection) from any-where (Home, Office, Internet Dhaba, Common Service Centre (CSC) etc).

Applicants are advised to go through “Applicant User Manual”before applying in ServicePlus for getting services. Download it from "User Manual" section.

Applicants need to fill Online Application Form, upload Attachment(s) (scanned copy of service specific document at least the mandatory( * )document),and submit the Application. So, before applying for any service, they are advised to keep ready the scanned copy of those documents preferably in small sized PDF format.

Optional / mandatory Aadhaar based Authentication(by Name Matching and OTP on Registered Mobile)facility is available depending on service. Applicants should authenticate themselves through Aadhaar based Authentication. If Aadhaar based Authentication not done, then the Applicant should upload any one of the 12 Identity Cards approved by Election Commission of India.

Applicants will get online Acknowledgement along with copy of Application submitted. Download / print it for future use.

Applicants should ensure to submit their Application only at respective Office (Panchayat, Block cum Circle, Sub-Division, District, Division, Department etc) as per their jurisdiction. It means, they should not apply at other Office, which is not under their jurisdiction.

Information about Application Submission, Service Readiness / Delivery, Application Rejection etc will be sent to the Applicants through SMS / E-Mail.

Certificate / Sanction Order will be sent to the Applicants through SMS via download link, E-Mail id, DigiLocker and ServicePlus inbox (if applicant applied after Logging into his/her account). Download and print it from anywhere.

Public Service Centers (through Executive Assistant), Kiosk and Common Service Centers: -

Applicants need to submit Application in prescribed Application Form duly filled-in and ink-signed with prescribed Attachment(s) to Executive Assistant (EA) at the Public Service Centers of respective Office (Panchayat, Block cum Circle, Sub-Division, District, Division, Department etc) as per their jurisdiction.

Executive Assistants (EA) are advised to go through "Applicant User Manual" before applying in ServicePlus on behalf of Applicants for getting services. Download it from "User Manual"section.

Executive Assistants (EA) should ensure to receive Applications of respective Office (Panchayat, Block cum Circle, Sub-Division, District, Division, Department etc) only as per the jurisdiction of Applicants and themselves. EA should not accept Applications pertaining to other Offices.

Executive Assistants (EA) will login with their UserIDs and fill Online Application Form on behalf of the Applicant. They will print online Acknowledgements (2 copies on single page), provide one copy to the Applicant, and attach other copy to the Application Form submitted by the Applicant for office record and physical verification.

Information about Application Submission, Service Readiness / Delivery, Application Rejection etc will be sent to the Applicants through SMS / E-Mail.

Certificate / Sanction Order will be sent to the Applicants through SMS via download link, E-Mail id, DigiLocker and ServicePlus inbox (if applicant applied after Logging into his/her account). Download and print it from anywhere.

Executive Assistants (EA) are advised to go through "Officer User Manual" before taking action (Verification Entry, Forwarding, Delivery etc) on Applications. Download it from "User Manual" section.

Application Processing by Designated Officer (Verification, Approval, Issue, Delivery etc): -

Before taking action (first time) on RTPS Applications submitted: -

Executive Assistants (EA) are advised to read both “Citizen User Manual” and "Officer User Manual" provided here in “User Manual” section.

Designated Officer (DO) are advised to read "Officer User Manual"provided here in “User Manual” section.

Admin Users (Admin) are introduced to manage and authenticate User Credentials of Designated Officers at different level like Executive Assistant (EA), Circle Officer (CO), Rural Development Officer (RDO), Child Development Project Officer (CDPO), Sub-Divisional Officer (SDO) or Officer authorized by SDO, Officer authorized by District Magistrate (DM) etc of the respective Office (Panchayat, Block cum Circle, Sub-Division, District, Division, Department etc) level. Identified Admin Users are advised to read "Admin User Manual" provided here in “User Manual”section.

Other Services: - Application Submission by Applicant: -

Applicant (Citizen or Business) can apply for Other Services in Online mode only.

Applicants can apply online any-time through any-means (Desktop, Laptop, Tablet, Smartphone etc having Internet connection) from any-where (Home, Office, Internet Dhaba, Common Service Centre (CSC) etc).

Applicants are advised to go through “Applicant User Manual” before applying in ServicePlus for getting services. Download it from "User Manual" section.।

Applicants need to sign-up (one time), login, fill Online Application Form, upload Attachment(s) (scanned copy of service specific document at least the mandatory ( * ) document), pay Fee (if applicable), and submit the Application. So, before applying for any service, they are advised to keep ready the scanned copy of those documents preferably in small sized PDF format.

Applicants will get online Acknowledgement. Download / print it for future use.

Applicants should ensure to submit their Application only at respective Office (Panchayat, Block cum Circle, Sub-Division, District, Division, Department etc) as per their jurisdiction. They should not apply at other Office, which is not under their jurisdiction.

Information about Application Submission, Service Readiness / Delivery, Application Rejection etc will be sent to the Applicants through SMS / E-Mail.

Certificate / Sanction Order will be sent to the Applicants through SMS via download link, E-Mail id, DigiLocker and ServicePlus inbox (if applicant applied after Logging into his/her account). Download and print it from anywhere.

Application Processing by Designated Officer (Verification, Approval, Issue, Delivery etc): -

Before taking action (first time) on Applications submitted: -

Designated Officers are suggested to read "Officer User Manual" provided here in "User Manual" section.

Admin Users are introduced to manage and authenticate User Credentials of Designated Officers at different levels. Identified Admin Users are suggested to read "Admin User Manual" provided here in "User Manual" section.

Name (English) to नाम (हिंदी) Conversion: -

For auto conversion of Name (English) to नाम (हिंदी) in Application Form, press [Tab] button after typing Name (English).